Happy Office Dog

5 Benefits of Dogs in the Workplace

Successful business owners understand that creating a balanced atmosphere at the office is essential to promote better morale and reduce absenteeism. Positivity in the office nurtures contagious harmony that results in better communication and trust for improved productivity. Studies show the benefits of dogs in the workplace help balance out negativity and stress by providing a welcomed distraction and reminding us to step back and pause for a break.

According to the Society of Human Resource Management, 8% of US workplaces have a dog-friendly work policy. Along with health benefits like lowering blood pressure and encouraging physical activity, dogs at the office give us an unexpected benefit. Because of their dogs, co-workers have positive interactions with each other and form beneficial social connections that boost productive teamwork.

Progressive Dog-Friendly Companies

Many employees enjoy the benefits of bringing their canine companions to work and view the privilege as an added perk. Progressive, forward-thinking tech institutions like Amazon, Google, Etsy, and Salesforce boast dog-friendly workplace policies. These companies use the lure of a dog-friendly workplace to actively recruit and retain top talent, particularly millennials who place a high value on company perks.

Implementing a Dog Policy at Work

Not all workspaces or co-workers are going to be dog-friendly. Consider the opinions of everyone at the office because, believe it or not, not everyone is a dog person. Some people suffer from serious allergies and you will need to make sure that your policy includes measures to make sure their health is not put at risk.

If your workplace is considering a dog-friendly policy, it is a good idea to consider the logistics, implement protocols for safety and dog-proof the areas where animals will be permitted. Make sure that you can provide a safe and secure place for your pooch with access to plenty of cool, clean water and an outdoor area to go potty.

An affordable pet door from Pet Door Products is the ideal office solution to let your canine co-workers outside to do their business on their own terms. Our safe and secure design will fit any glass door and benefit your dog-friendly workplace.

Reduce Employee Stress and Promote Productivity

Dogs in the office will reduce employee stress and help everyone feel more relaxed. It is proven that those who bring their dogs to work have decreased hormonal stress levels. A comfortable, flexible office atmosphere is the best way to promote happiness, wellness, and productivity. 

Dogs Increase Employee Performance

Dog owners/employees are able to work longer hours because they won’t feel guilty about not being home at chow time and avoid racing home on their lunch hour to let Fido outside to pee. Workers who bring their fuzzy best friends to the office also tend to have fewer absences.

Dogs Promote Positive Social Connections

At the park or at the office, your dog is a great ice-breaker who promotes positive social connections between humans without even knowing it. Co-workers work well together with a common bond – the love of dogs – that promotes open communication and teamwork. 

An Office Dog is a Great Ambassador

Most customers who are greeted by an employee’s dog will enjoy scratching Fido behind the ear and feel the relaxed atmosphere of your office. They will not soon forget their visit to your office, especially if your office dog(s) have helped drop communication barriers and start conversations.

Improve Your Company’s Reputation

Your company’s image will instantly skyrocket when your employees brag about how much they love to bring their dogs into work every day. Post pictures of your pet-friendly office on social media to improve your company’s reputation by letting your customers see that you are progressive and forward-thinking.

Find the Best Easy-to-Install, Energy Efficient Pet Door for Your Office

Manufactured for durability and thermal efficiency for minimal heat transfer, Pet Door Products innovative sliding glass door insert features excellent functionality with simple, clean lines. Contact Pet Door Product at 801-973-8000 for your FREE estimate and more information about equipping your office with our affordable, easy-to-install sliding pet door.

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