Knowing how your cat’s aging process works as he or she grows through the normal successive stages can help you recognize the changes your pet is experiencing throughout the entire cat lifespan. That will enable you to prepare for the coming stages and make adjustments when/if modifications to the accommodations for your pet become necessary as your cat ages.
Human To Cat Years Conversion Chart
Here’s a convenient chart for quickly finding the conversion of your cat’s current age to the equivalent number of human years of age:
Human Age to Cat Age Conversion Chart
Aging Stage | Human Age | Cat Age |
Birth to 6 months | 0 to 1 year 2 to 4 years 6 to 8 years 10 years | 0 to 1 month 2 to 3 months 4 months 6 months |
7 months to 2 years | 12 years 15 years 21 years 24 years | 0 to 1 month 2 to 3 months 4 months 6 months |
3 years to 6 years | 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years | 28 years 32 years 36 years 40 years |
7 years to 10 years | 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years | 44 years 48 years 52 years 56 years |
11 years to 14 years | 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years | 60 years 64 years 68 years 72 years |
15 years and older | 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years | 76 years 80 years 84 years 88 years |
The information in the above chart is from research by the American Animal Hospital Association and the American Association of Feline Practitioners.
How To Convert Cat To Human Years
Cats’ lifespans and rates of maturity are consistent for all breeds of cats. In the simplest terms, to convert cat years to human years, calculate based on these factors:
- A cat’s 1st year equals 15 years for a human.
- A cat’s 2nd year equals 9 years for a human.
- Each year after a cat’s 2nd year equals 4 years for a human.
6 Stages of a Cat’s Life
In their first 2 years of life, cats age at a rate equal to 24 human years. After the 2nd year, for each year of a cat’s life, it ages at the rate of 4 years human years. There are 6 general stages of aging in a cat’s typical lifespan:
Life Stage | Growth and Changes |
Kitten Birth to 6 months | During this first stage of life, a cat undergoes the greatest amount of growth and change. |
Junior 7 months to 2 years | A cat grows to its full adult size during this stage and begins exhibiting its adult personality traits. |
Prime 3 years to 6 years | This is the prime of the cat’s life when it is at its most energetic and physically active stage. |
Mature 7 years to 10 years | A mature cat is of an age equal to adult humans in their 50s. The cat may slow down and exhibit slight aging signs. |
Senior 11 years to 14 years | In this later stage of life, a cat is likely to show signs of aging, such as lower energy, weight loss or gain, yellowing teeth, cloudy eyes, graying fur, and possibly confusion. |
Geriatric 15 years and older | Cats over 15 years of age have lived a full life and, depending on their health condition, may live as long as 20 years and in exceptional cases, as long as 25 years. |
To Give Your Cat the Happiest Life – Pet Door Products
A new cat door is a transformative change in a cat’s lifestyle. It gives your cat the incomparable health advantages of fresh outdoor air, sunlight, maximum enrichment, more exercise, less stress, the freedom to go in and out to use the bathroom, and more. Pet Door Products manufactures the world’s best energy-efficient cat doors.
For information about our state-of-the-art cat doors, call Pet Door Products at (801) 973-8000, or contact us here on our website anytime!
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